Broadcasts Endpoint

This endpoint allows you to send new message broadcasts and list existing broadcasts in your account.

Listing Broadcasts

A GET returns the outgoing message activity for your organization, listing the most recent messages first.

  • id - the id of the broadcast (int), filterable as id.
  • urns - the URNs that received the broadcast (array of strings).
  • contacts - the contacts that received the broadcast (array of objects).
  • groups - the groups that received the broadcast (array of objects).
  • text - the message text translations (dict of strings).
  • attachments - the attachment translations (dict of lists of strings).
  • base_language - the default translation language (string).
  • status - the status, one of pending, queued, started, completed, failed, interrupted.
  • created_on - when this broadcast was either created (datetime) (filterable as before and after).


GET /api/v2/broadcasts.json

Response is a list of recent broadcasts:

    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": 123456,
            "urns": ["tel:+250788123123", "tel:+250788123124"],
            "contacts": [{"uuid": "09d23a05-47fe-11e4-bfe9-b8f6b119e9ab", "name": "Joe"}]
            "groups": [],
            "text": {"eng", "hello world"},
            "attachments": {"eng", []},
            "base_language": "eng",
            "created_on": "2013-03-02T17:28:12.123456Z"

Sending Broadcasts

A POST allows you to create and send new broadcasts. Attachments are media object UUIDs returned from POSTing to the media endpoint.

  • urns - the URNs of contacts to send to (array of up to 100 strings, optional)
  • contacts - the UUIDs of contacts to send to (array of up to 100 strings, optional)
  • groups - the UUIDs of contact groups to send to (array of up to 100 strings, optional)
  • text - the message text translations (dict of strings)
  • attachments - the attachment translations (dict of lists of strings)
  • base_language - the default translation language (string, optional)


POST /api/v2/broadcasts.json
    "urns": ["tel:+250788123123", "tel:+250788123124"],
    "contacts": ["09d23a05-47fe-11e4-bfe9-b8f6b119e9ab"],
    "text": {"eng": "Hello!", "spa": "Hola!"},
    "base_language": "eng"

You will receive a response containing the message broadcast created:

    "id": 1234,
    "urns": ["tel:+250788123123", "tel:+250788123124"],
    "contacts": [{"uuid": "09d23a05-47fe-11e4-bfe9-b8f6b119e9ab", "name": "Joe"}]
    "groups": [],
    "text": {"eng": "Hello!", "spa": "Hola!"},
    "attachments": {"eng", [], "spa": []},
    "base_language": "eng",
    "created_on": "2013-03-02T17:28:12.123456Z"